
Center for Natural Resources and Sustainability

Kazakh-German University

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About us

The Center for Natural Resources and Sustainability (CRS) at the Kazakh-German University (DKU) was established to consolidate education and applied research for sustainable societies in the Central Asian Region. We apply innovative approaches along the three main tracks:

  1. Generation, transfer and exchange of knowledge, technologies, know-hows and competencies;
  2. Education;
  3. Networking with academic communities to enhance the water-energy-land-ecosystems-mobility nexus against the backdrop of climate change in Central Asia.

Center for Natural Resources and Sustainability (CRS) is focused on:

  • the development of natural science researchers in Central Asia and Afghanistan;
  • promoting the development of scientific and practical potential on the problems of managing natural resources in the countries of the region;
  • strengthening cooperation with international, regional and Kazakhstan scientific organizations.

To achieve its objectives, Center has taken the following actions:

  • Creating platforms for scientific research in the field of natural resources and maintaining a scientific and professional network (teachers, young researchers, experts and graduates of the "Integrated water resources management" (IWRM) and “Strategic Management of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency” (SMREEE) Master’s Programs);
  • Study of issues of regional cooperation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Central Asia and foreign countries;
  • Organization and holding of scientific conferences, round tables, seminars, master classes on water management (WRM), including political, socio-economic, environmental, geographic information and technical aspects;
  • Improving the qualifications of teachers of higher educational institutions, industrial specialists and representatives of state bodies through trainings involving international and regional experts in the field of water resources management;
  • Issue of scientific publications based on the electronic Central Asian Journal of Water Research.

You can read the Regulations on our Center here (in Russian).

For questions about cooperation, please contact us at:

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