
Center for Natural Resources and Sustainability

Kazakh-German University

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UNESCO chair


Center for Natural Resources and Sustainability has been the first to receive in 2016 the status of the UNESCO Chair for Water Resources Management in the Central Asian region.

The Institute of UNESCO Chairs was established in 1992 after the opening of the UNITWIN (University Education Twinning and Networking Scheme) program, in accordance with the decision of the 26th session of the UNESCO General Conference, which advocated the development of inter-university cooperation and academic mobility.

The program was established with the aim of creating a university education system throughout the world through the establishment of a new institute of UNESCO chairs and networks within the framework of the UNITWIN program in the key areas of competence of the Organization: education, natural and social sciences, culture, information and communication.

Through this network, institutions of higher education and research organizations around the world have the opportunity to pool their resources, both human and material, to solve current problems and contribute to the development of their societies.

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