
Center for Natural Resources and Sustainability

Kazakh-German University

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The best eco-business ideas of Central Asian youth were awarded at Eco-Talk 2020


The Online Award Ceremony to recognize the participants and winners of the "Eco-Talk" International Green Business School took place on 15 December 2020!

The Green Business School was established by Kazakh-German University (DKU) to provide expert and financial support for the development of environmentally sustainable business projects and to stimulate the generation of innovative ideas for green business among young entrepreneurs. This year the School was organized by DKU with the support of the EU project "European Union – Central Asia: Water, Environment and Climate Change Cooperation" (WECOOP), Central Asian Youth for Water Network (CAY4W), International Secretariat for Water Canada (ISW), and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).

During the 3-month intensive studies at the School, the students received the online training from the European and regional experts on the basics of the project cycle, market analysis, budgeting, target audience, soft business skills and specifics of doing green business in the region. The experts also provided consultations on water quality and water savings, renewable energy and energy efficiency, environmental management, and eco-innovation in sustainable consumption and production.

The training and expert advice provided to the participants helped them develop their green business ideas into project proposals.

The Evaluation Committee comprising of the School’s experts and sponsors identified 4 winners who received the grants in the total amount of USD 6,000 awarded by SDC. Among them are:

1) Mr. Vladislav Golyarko with the project “Eco Cashback”;

2) Ms. Alua Zholgazy with the project “Refill me”;

3) Ms. Aliya Kydyrbekova with the project “Waternovation”;

4) Ms. Ekaterina Oborina with the project “Waste – the territory of creativity”.

The winners will be able to use these grants to develop their own business.

Overall, 37 young entrepreneurs took part in the Green Business School this year and presented 16 business projects.

For additional information, please contact:

Mariya Genina, Project Manager, DKU -
Dana Zhunissova, Project Assistant, DKU -

More information about the School is available at and and on the Instagram page of the project @ecotalk_incubator.

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