
Center for Natural Resources and Sustainability

Kazakh-German University

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Avezova Nilufar (Uzbekistan)

Avezova Nilufar

Meet Avezova Nilufar Rabbanakulovna - a woman scientist, doctor of technical sciences in domains like renewable energy and energy efficiency, a public figure in state energy policy.

Avezova Nilufar Rabbanakulovna. Chief researcher, the Head of the scientific laboratory "Technogenic and environmental safety of energy facilities" of the National Research Institute of Renewable Energy Sources under the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan. She is also the founder of the NGO "International Solar Energy Association", co-developer of legislative and regulatory documents on renewable energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Awarded with the Order "Mekhnat Shukhrati". The international scientific community also highly appreciates her and her scholar’s contribution to the science, the Hirsch index for the "Scopus" of her students is 2 to 8, which is a high indicator of the effectiveness of their scientific work.

She is a leading national expert on renewable energy with an extensive experience in advocacy and interaction with policymakers and stakeholders, as well as in disseminating research results in the energy sector both in Uzbekistan and abroad. It should be noted her role in the state energy policy of the country, especially in the development of short-term and long-term forecasts for the development of the energy sector of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the identification of priority National goals for achieving the SDGs, and the improvement of the regulatory framework for the development of the energy sector. She is co-developer of a number of State standards, regulations and Building codes (SNiP) on renewable energy and energy efficiency in Uzbekistan.

Professional background

I chose my life goal already in a childhood, once together with my father I crossed for the first time the doorstep of the research institute and saw the Heliopolygon of the Physico-Technical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of Republic of Uzbekistan; further as a student the full power of the Big Solar Furnace. I had already convinced that I am going to do science and particularly research on solar energy as my father, the professor and doctor of technical sciences R.R. Avezov. He is an idol for me through my life, a mentor in science and a guide in mastering the necessary knowledge and skills to become a highly demanded specialist, successful scientist with scientific school and as the head of an organization.

Step by step, I achieve my goals where my family provided me a huge support, at the same time I was lucky to meet good team and colleagues.

I managed to defend my doctoral candidate thesis successfully and get a scientific degree and a title, afterwards a doctor of technical science dissertation, while gathering a team around me, heading a scientific school, stepping the career ladder - from a junior researcher to the general director of the research and production organization Scientific and Production Association "Physics-Sun" Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Increasing the experience as an international expert and reviewer for the scientific community of international publications and journals of recognized databases. It served as a solid foundation in development of national Sustainable Development Goals, development of scenarios, models and incentive mechanisms for renewable energy sources in the country. International organizations such as USAID, UNDP, UNEP, ADB, IDB and others have highly acclaimed my work as a national expert, consultant and adviser on capacity building of renewable energy sources in the Central Asia region.


Career growth for a woman in the east is a delicate matter. There are direct and indirect obstacles. In 2017-2019 I had to be a manager for multiple positions, for instance Head a large organization the Scientific Council, the scientific school and serve as head of the international journal as Editor-in-chief, all these had required high responsibility and efficiency. To earn the trust and meet the expectations of others, at the same time to give hope and faith for future young generation was so necessary for our developing country, I faced internal bureaucratic barriers and open speeches of those who did not prefer to see a leader in the face of a woman. All those barriers have really derived me a life experience in the organizational activities while formation of several companies.

Moment of inspiration

By the advisory of my father, I have graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics of Tashkent State University. My knowledge allowed me to become a demanded scientist, analyst and manager. While being a young scientist myself, my mentors saw in me the future head of an organization, of a scientific school and a leader in the field of Renewable Energy and helped me in every way to build up the necessary experience and skills. And I'm very lucky. For the persistent and fruitful work at the institute, in 2011 I was awarded a badge of honor "20th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan" and lucky second time in 2014 when I received the Order "Mekhnat Shukhrati" from the hands of the first president of the country Islam Abduganievich Karimov. That was a high point of my life.

Following these wonderful moments of my life, I knew exactly how I am going to continue both my life and research path.

I set a goal for myself: My scientific school will be internationally recognized, one of the leaders in this direction and will serve the people not only of my country but globally to provide the population with environmentally friendly, affordable and safe energy; I will develop my scientific and analytical potential to become one of public servants developing and planning a scientific development strategy of the country, to develop and expand new areas, to implement major innovative programs and projects that will serve the survival of the planet and improve the living conditions of the population, resist global climate warming, find solutions to the challenges of nature associated with ecological disasters and catastrophes.

Acknowledged success

I consider myself quite successful, as I had the opportunity to sit down at a round table with the world's leading experts in global energy transition and sustainable development to address the questions of a smooth transition for every country during a new transformation period. I can also consider myself successful in science, since the international scientific community also highly appreciates the work of my school, the Hirsch index for the "Scopus" of our scientific group is 2 to 8, while this indicator has not been reached by numerous scientists with a big school and many years of experience.

My work is especially interesting for me, while solving strategic issues to reduce the negative impact of climate change not only in the country, but throughout the world. As well as to scale up the development of the practical use of renewable energy sources at the state level. There is an opportunity to contribute to address gender issues as well, since in this area there is a great opportunity to achieve gender balance and solve social and humanitarian problems associated with women.

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