
Center for Natural Resources and Sustainability

Kazakh-German University

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Kundus Kyrbasheva (Kyrgyzstan)

Кундус Кырбашева (Кыргызстан)

Meet Kundus Kyrbasheva. Chairman of the Association of Wind and Solar Power Plants of Kyrgyzstan. Founder and Financial Director of Wind Systems Joint Stock Company, which is building the first wind farm in Balykchy in Kyrgyzstan.

Favorite quote – “A child can teach an adult three things: to be happy for no reason, to always be curious, and to fight tirelessly for something” (Paulo Coelho).

Professional background

At school, I liked the exact sciences, especially mathematics and computer science. I wanted to study engineering or mathematics, but my mother put an end to this thinking by telling me that girls should not work in the field of engineering or energy. Children who grow up with oriental mindset tend to follow their parents, so I did the same and followed my mother words and chose the Faculty of Economics. However, at university I had to study Advanced Mathematics, which I liked and was good at.

When I was 20 years of old, I married my husband, who is a hydraulic engineer by profession. I am now in the energy sector, renewable energy, because of my husband’s huge contribution and support. I am very grateful and happy to be doing it now.

In 2008, there were rolling blackouts and at that time I gave birth to my youngest child, who was not even 40 days old. The electricity was constantly cut off. My husband was always at work, so it was difficult for me to be alone with my children. That's when I wondered why there wasn't enough electricity in Kyrgyzstan. There is a demand, but we cannot produce the amount we need. At the time, I could not physically deal with renewable energy sources. It was very expensive. The project started in 2017 and I am now in my 5th year in RES.


The problem was that in 2017-2019 people didn't understand what RES (renewable energy sources) were, what wind, solar plants were. For Kyrgyzstan it seemed like a flight to Mars, although I said there was nothing wrong with that. Successful countries have been applying this experience for a long time, and they are building a wide variety of alternative energy, but at the time, very few people in our country knew about it and to be honest, they looked at me like I was crazy. But thanks to the Internet and a new generation that understands the importance of renewable energy sources, thanks to the constant coverage on TV and media, I got my results. Now not only people but also our government is supporting and moving in this direction.

Moment of inspiration

An important factor in my success was the delivery of the first wind power equipment in Kyrgyzstan's history. This is very important for the energy sector in Kyrgyzstan, which having gained the sovereignty, can finally talk about other types of energy sources. It was also the first-time that land was transformed for a wind farm.

I consider the day when, as part of the association, I got RES exempted from VAT on imports into the Kyrgyz Republic to be a star moment in my life. We had imported equipment which was taxed, and then we got the substation to be exempt from income tax for 5 years. This was also done under the association. Close cooperation with the authorities, round-table discussions in the media and active promotion have led to success.

Кундус Кырбашева (Кыргызстан) 2

Acknowledged success

I know a lot of smart women and girls who are probably better at these things than I am, but there is a factor holding them back. If a girl is married, she will obey her husband. If her husband does not allow her to work, she will stay at home with her knowledge. Of course, it is very hard to divide time between family, work and social work at the same time. I can't say that I manage to do it all. There are times when I don’t have enough time for my family, but I try to spend weekends with my children.

My words of advice to women working in the energy sector, if your husband supports you, then you are very lucky. For the girls who are not yet married, I would advise to take a look at your future life partner and see will he allow you to realize yourself. Believe me, in our society a lot depends on it. The only limiting factors in engineering and energy are, firstly, it is a family that will or will not give you permission, secondly, society itself, which has not always taken women in this sector so seriously, but fortunately, society's view has changed in recent years. I would really like to see women in managerial positions in the energy sector.

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