
Center for Natural Resources and Sustainability

Kazakh-German University

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Nurzat Abdyrasulova (Kyrgyzstan)

Нурзат Абдырасулова (Кыргызстан)

Meet Nurzat Abdyrasulova, founder and President of the UNISON Group Kyrgyzstan Climate Network, which in 2022 celebrates its 20th anniversary of successful work in sustainable development, sustainable climate and the implementation of RES and EE. She is also the Chairman of the Board of the Association of Environmental Organizations, the Green Alliance of Kyrgyzstan.

Professional background

I graduated from the International University of Kyrgyzstan by specialty environmental engineer and natural resources user. This was followed by a Master's Degree in Natural Resources Management and a post-master's course at the Academia Istropolitana Nova in Slovakia on environmental policy.

My choice of profession was influenced by my mother. I am still grateful to my mom for intuitively guiding me to make right decision when entering the university and then to do what I love. I am glad that I chose this profession, even though there was little understanding in that direction in society at that time. I am grateful not only to my teachers, but also to my senior colleagues and partners with whom I have had the opportunity to work on many projects. I still keep in touch with many international friends and like-minded people.

It is inspiring to see the results of my work. What also inspires me is the freedom in my work, we think about every detail in a project, from concept to realization. I am very proud when I see the results of my work, whether for the country, for the society or to change people's attitude towards environmental protection.

Since 2002, Unison Group has implemented more than 50 trans-regional projects on energy efficiency, renewable energy, climate change, sustainable development and good governance. With 20 years of experience, Unison Group is now a recognized leader in these areas.


I have never been caught up in challenges, any challenge is an opportunity to learn something. After completing my Master’s degree, I decided to return to my country and establish my own organization. However, obstacles arose when it came to gaining understanding and support, as well as lack of finance, knowledge and human resources. Especially in a technical environment such as the energy sector, which is dominated by men, it is not easy to be a woman and a representative of civil society raising sensitive issues in the energy sector, such as tariff setting, transparency and accountability of management, protection of consumer rights, energy efficiency and development of renewable energy sources.

Moment of inspiration

I am sure there will be many more moments to shine ahead. I am glad that people trust my professionalism. I am a competent expert who can run a successful business. Above all, I attribute my success to the fact that Unison Foundation, which I founded, has continued to grow steadily over the years, developing, renewing, expanding and improving in terms of topics. I see that we can do the very important work that a whole ministry can do. We have contributed significantly to the development of energy efficiency and renewable energy micro-generation, raising climate change issues, and investing dynamically in the development of civil society. We demonstrate by our example how local organizations can work and become trusted business partners.

Acknowledged success

I am generally a results-oriented person and I always try to give my best in everything I do.

I think that people see that I have an out-of-the-box perspective in terms of how an issue can be resolved locally and how that relates to global trends. How international experience and knowledge can be applied in Kyrgyzstan. Unison is growing fast; this is the reason why people consider me successful.

Regarding gender issue, the 21st century is moving towards a period of development where women play an important role in decision-making. This will be particularly true for climate change, where women’s different visions and approaches are needed. I will continue to encourage more girls and women to pursue technical careers and more women leaders to emerge in the energy sector and climate change management in CA.

This year, the Unison Group celebrates its 20th anniversary since its founding in 2002!

Today, UNISON is one of the leaders working towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in Central Asia and is a flagship for the promotion of sustainable policies and practices. UNISON is a development facilitator and a bridge between government, business and civil society.

Our greatest asset is dedicated staff, our national and international partners, and like-minded people. All those who, through their attitude, help the organization to stay on track, make ambitious plans and take the lead in the sector every day. Our cohesive team of strong people and highly skilled professionals is showing strong results year after year.

  • UNISON is at the forefront of initiatives such as:
  • Kyrgyzstan Fuel and Energy Sector Transparency Initiative (IPTEK);
  • National Electricity Consumers' Rights Protection Network (ZPPE);
  • Kyrgyzstan Climate Network (KSK);
  • Green Alliance of Kyrgyzstan Association

Unison Group engages in productive dialogue with the state authorities and the Parliament of the Kyrgyz Republic on the issues such as:

  • State policy on energy saving, energy efficiency and renewable energy sources;
  • Promotion of energy and resource efficiency, green technologies and sustainable consumption and production practices;
  • Climate change adaptation and mitigation;
  • Potential development of human resources and civil society;
  • Green finance.

We are proud to have been a driving force in the creation of a new sector on energy efficiency in buildings in Kyrgyzstan, including:

  • Creation of a legislative and regulatory framework for energy certification of buildings;
  • Launch of a new institute of independent certified energy auditors for buildings;
  • An online register has been created and there is a financial support tool.

Our organization is currently successfully implementing the KyrSEFF Sustainable Energy Financing Programme. Since its launch since 2013, the KyrSEFF program has invested over US$54 million in approximately 3,300 energy and resource saving projects across the country.

Another major project that implemented by the Unison Group in partnership since 2020 is the Promoting Energy and Resource Efficiency in the Kyrgyz Tourism Industry (PERETO) Project.

To date, 10 PERETO advisory services have been put into operation across Kyrgyzstan. More than 800 SMEs involved in the tourism sector have been trained in energy and resource efficiency practices. More than USD 200,000 of investments have been attracted to implement energy and resource efficiency measures in the SME sector in the hospitality industry.

Advisory services are provided to financial institutions, donors and civil society organizations on the most important issues and promising areas of sustainability in Central Asia.

The Unison Group has extensive experience in working with international teams to develop and implement project proposals and has a successful track record of working with many international organizations.

We do not intend to be satisfied with what has already been achieved. UNISON plans to expand, explore new areas and attract new expertise and investment to the region.

We have great expectations for a promising future! Thank you to all partners for long and fruitful cooperation.

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