
Center for Natural Resources and Sustainability

Kazakh-German University

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Shosaboiyeva Mehrangez (Tajikistan)

Шосабоиева Мехрангез (Таджикистан)

Meet Shosaboiyeva Mehrangez Lutfasanovna, Leading Specialist for the Automated System for Control and Metering of Electricity at Tajikistan Electricity Distribution Networks JSC.

Everything affects everything. In this universe, when one thing changes, everything changes. Therefore, the great power of man to change the world by changing himself (Sh. N. Maharaj).

Professional background

I was born and grew up in Khorog, in Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Province of the Republic of Tajikistan. I graduated from the Aga-Khan Lyceum in 2003. During my studies at school, I was very interested in exact sciences, especially algebra and physics. I participated in various Olympiads of different levels and received high scores. After graduating with honours, I decided to enter the Faculty of Energy.

My physics teacher Gulsimo Alinazarova was always telling me at school that I should apply to the energy department and become an energy engineer, that it was a very interesting profession, and I realized that she was right. But at the last minute I changed my mind, I was discouraged when they told me that it was a man’s job, that it was hard work and that I couldn’t do it. Under pressure from such opinions, I abandoned my intention and enrolled in the Faculty of Engineering Business and Management at the Tajik Technical University named after Academician M.S. Osimi. I graduated with Diploma of Honours.

After graduation, I returned to Khorog and worked for the energy company Pamir Energy. I started my work experience as an Assistant Manager for electricity sales in the company's Commercial Department. Here I was able to gain experience and improve my professional and personal skills. The company is committed to improving the qualifications of its employees and sponsors for English, management and financial accounting courses for young professionals....

A short time later, I was transferred to the position of Leading Billing Specialist at fuel and energy complex Shugnan. Since that moment I started thinking about getting back into the energy sector. As I mentioned, I had been interested in this sector since my school years, but when I came to the profession, the human factor definitely played a role in my formation. I was lucky to meet Mavchuda Kholikzoda. She had been working in the energy sector for more than 38 years. And she influenced my decision. Due to family reasons, I was able to do it in 2019. Now I am in my final year of studies at the Faculty of Energy at the Tajikistan Technical University named after Osimi.

It just happened that Mehrangez moved to live in the capital for family reasons. She got a job at Barki Tojik Open Stock Holding Company in the Distribution Networks Department in the Billing Department. After Barki Tojik's distribution, she stayed to work at Electricity Distribution Networks JSC as a Leading Engineer for ACEMS. Mehrangez has been working in this structure for seven years.

“I like my job because it is interesting in itself. Secondly, the energy sector is considered one of the highest priority sectors in Tajikistan and at the present stage major reforms are being carried out in the sector, including the launch of new facilities and the introduction of new technologies. For example, the ACEMS system is new system for our country and its development is very interesting and necessary for me. The experience and awareness of being involved in such a big and important process also makes this profession interesting for me." - Mehrangez says.

Acknowledged success

“As A. Einstein said – “Strive not to succeed, but to make your life meaningful”. When I look back, I find that I have succeeded in almost every stage of my life; graduating with honours from the best lyceum in the country, graduating from university with diploma with honours, have always been well regarded in my positions and am the mother of four wonderful children - this is my greatest achievement. I believe I have successfully realized myself in life both as a woman and as a professional. Although I have to admit that in traditional society it is very difficult for a woman to find her place in the professional sphere,” Mehragez says.

Gender inequality in rural areas is an issue of particular concern in Central Asian countries struggling to overcome development challenges such as rural poverty, malnutrition, rapid population growth and pressure on natural resources, all exacerbated by the negative effects of climate change.

As the most vulnerable social group to the impacts of climate change, rural women play a key role in regional climate change adaptation policies, yet they continue to be affected by the unequal distribution of benefits related to education, decent work and access to financial and other resources as compared to men and urban women.

“Incidentally, it is the stereotypical thinking among Central Asian societies prevents women from achieving self-realization in various professions, especially in so-called “male” ones. But when it comes to the energy sector, Kazakhstan is very free of gender equality issues and women in the energy sector are found at various levels in almost all professions”, says Mehrangez.

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