
Center for Natural Resources and Sustainability

Kazakh-German University

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Zhenishkul Imanakunova (Kyrgyzstan)

Женишкуль Иманакуновой (Кыргызстан)

Meet Zhenishkul Imanakunova, PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor in the Energy Department of the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after Iskhak Razakov.

Her motto: Thoroughness, strength, reliability for all ages!

Professional background

As a child, I often wondered why I could not see the electricity flowing through the wires or lights burning in my house. Once I figured it out, I began to enjoy physics and the exact sciences. After I finished school, I chose the field of “Energetics” at technical university. Immediately after graduation, professors at the university offered me to stay as teacher and recommended me post-graduate course. Being a young mother of a wonderful son, I understood that teaching would be difficult, but I also understood that if I refuse, I risked losing my chance. I said yes. A completely different, active and very interesting world of science opened up!

I successfully defended my PhD Thesis on “Modelling of Intermittent Arc in 6-35 kV Networks and Methods for its Suppression”. Experimental devices were developed to investigate the behavior of the intermittent arc in physical models and devices for recording the moment of occurrence of a single-phase earth fault and measuring their characteristics.

I'm currently working on thesis for a doctor’s degree: “Theoretical and Methodological Principles of Modelling, Analysis and Synthesis of Systems of Stabilization of Parameters of Mini Hydropower Objects and Electrical Networks”. Author of more than 70 scientific papers and methodological works published in foreign journals and in Kyrgyzstan in English, Russian and Kyrgyz languages. These include 1 monograph, 7 patents for inventions, 5 textbooks designated by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic.

My interest in the physics of electric current made me to choose my profession. Science inspires me, because it allows to find explanations for the world! I really enjoy teaching and lecturing. Sometimes my students teach me, they are very interesting. When I enter the auditorium, I feel a strong sense of energy and inspiration. I love my job!


Challenges in one thing: the lack of time!

Moment of inspiration

The birth of my son, defense of my PhD thesis and winning the competition and award for the best teaching and learning facility in the Kyrgyz Republic

Acknowledged success

As Warren E. Buffett once said: “Our success is due to the fact that we have tried to take the altitude available to us, rather than building up our ability to jump higher”. A successful person is one who knows how to turn a dream into a goal, someone who dares to take action to achieve what he or she has set out to do, instead of talking and dreaming. Therefore, I have qualities such as hard-working nature, patience, resoluteness, purposefulness, ability to communicate with others and interest in everything.

The word success is appropriate for work, business and position in society; when talking about family and personal life, it is better to use the word as happiness.

Gender inequality is everywhere in Kyrgyzstan, but very few people talk about women's problems and their solutions. As far as education is concerned, the world has witnessed significant progress has been made in closing the gap between girls and boys in a number of crucial areas.

The Energy Department at our university has traditionally been male-dominated, with girls accounting for just 5%. All managerial positions are held by men. Therefore, there are always obstacles on the way of a career. Together with the Dean of the Faculty, we started working with the Association of Women in Energy in Kyrgyzstan. Energy is a very difficult, dangerous profession and is the key to the development of the economy, but women perform very difficult work on an equal basis with men. One of the main objectives is to support women to realize their potential in the energy system.

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