
Center for Natural Resources and Sustainability

Kazakh-German University

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Gernot Kayser

Gernot Kayser300

Dr.-Ing., TU Dresden, Germany

Since March 2011 lecturer for water treatment and water protection at the Kazakh- German University, Almaty (Kazakhstan). Since October 2003 lecturer for wastewater treatment and water protection at the University of Zittau / Görlitz. Since September 1994 scientist at the International University Institute Zittau of the TU Dresden, Department for Life and Environmental Sciences, Head of the Environmental Process Engineering Section. Jan. 1986 - 1994 Scientist at the Institute for Sanitary Engineering, Water Quality and Waste Management at the University of Stuttgart, Chemical Department. In 1996 graduation to Dr.-Ing. at the University of Stuttgart (Prof. Kh. Krauth): “Influences of organic waste water constituents on the Nitrification"

Modules in DKU: Environmental Planning, Water Usage and Treatment

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