
Center for Natural Resources and Sustainability

Kazakh-German University

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Student Olympiad 2024 "Sustainable Development Goals in Central Asia, Afghanistan and Mongolia"

  • Student olympiad in Afghanistan 2024
Project implementation dates:

April 16 - May 30 2024

Project beneficiaries:

students from universities in Central Asia, Afghanistan and Mongolia

For eight years, the Kazakh-German University (DKU), with the support of partners, has organized an annual Olympiad among students from Central Asian countries. Initially, the focus was on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), helping to build the capacity of future professionals representing the region.

Starting from 2020, the University has expanded the Olympiad's theme and organizes it within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) developed by the United Nations. In 2015, 17 goals were set by all member states: to eradicate poverty, protect our planet, improve the quality of life and enhance the prospects for all people around the world.

Starting in 2023, the Olympiad is organized in partnership with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) as part of the global initiative GO4SDGs - Global Opportunities for Sustainable Development Goals, and to promote the transition to sustainable lifestyles among young people both inside and outside universities in countries in the Europe and Central Asia.

The SDG Olympiad 2024, within the international cluster, will address Sustainable Development Goals #4 (Quality Education for All), 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation), 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), 9 (Infrastructure Development, Innovation), 11 (Sustainable Cities and Human Settlements), 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production), 13 (Combating Climate Change and its Impacts), and 17 (Partnerships for Sustainable Development), and include three sections.

Project Goals:

The holding of this Olympiad in universities in Central Asia, Afghanistan and Mongolia provided an opportunity to get acquainted and delve into the world of knowledge on relevant and constructive topics today, to get acquainted with modern UN-developed mechanisms and levers for achieving goals for a sustainable lifestyle and sustainable development. And also, the Olympics served as a platform for creating conditions for young professionals from Central Asia, Afghanistan and Mongolia to communicate with each other and with colleagues from other countries in a language that is understandable to everyone - the language of progress and professionalism.

Project partners:

Republic of Kazakhstan: Kazakh-German University (DKU);

Kyrgyz Republic: Kyrgyz National Agrarian University named after K. I. Skryabin;

Republic of Uzbekistan: "Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers (TIIAME)" National Research University;

Republic of Tajikistan: Tajik Agrarian University named S. Shotemur;

Turkmenistan: Turkmen Agricultural University named after S. Niyazov;

Afghanistan: Kabul Polytechnic University;

Mongolia: German-Mongolian Institute for Resources and Technology (GMIT).

As well as other higher educational institutions determined by the executive authorities of the countries of Central Asia; Global Water Partnership in Central Asia, UNICEF.

Stages of the Olympiad:
  • the first stage (national) was carried out separately in all countries of Central Asia, Afghanistan and Mongolia by partner universities of the Kazakh-German University (DKU).
  • the second stage (regional) was held for the winners of the national stages. The winners of the regional stage were 7 people from 7 countries participating in the Olympiad.

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