
Center for Natural Resources and Sustainability

Kazakh-German University

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Regional stage of the Student Olympiad 2024

Process description:

The Regional Stage of the Student Olympiad 2024, focusing on "Sustainable Development Goals in Central Asia, Afghanistan, and Mongolia," successfully took place online on May 30, 2024.

This regional stage gathered finalists from national stages of the Olympiad to present their innovative business project concepts aimed at promoting sustainability within their universities.

Finalists were tasked with developing business plan concepts to make their university sustainable and beyond. The projects included various ecological, social, infrastructure, educational, and business components such as the development of a hydroponic farm, an online platform for clothes restoration, a greenhouse powered by solar energy, creating green spaces, sustainable waste management practices, food security initiatives, vertical gardening, and many others.

Jury of the regional stage of student olympiads:

The event was moderated by Ms. Dana Zhunissova, Project Manager at DKU, Kazakhstan.

Special attention should be paid to the Jury, who actively participated in discussions of students’ projects and provided critical feedback/suggestions to the participants:

Mr. Baurzhan Nassimullin, Regional Project Manager of GEF 9421 Project, UNEP.

Ms. Guljamal Nurmukhammedova, Regional Coordinator of the Global Water Partnership Network for Central Asia and the Caucasus.

Ms. Laura Temirkhanova, Chief Project Manager, Almaty Development Center JSC, Almaty City Akimat.

Mr. Vladislav Golyarko, CEO, EcoCashback.

Ms. Victoriya Krylova, Coordinator of Land Use Lab, DKU.

Ms. Inna Matveenko, Coordinator of Green Business Lab, DKU.

Ms. Mariya Genina, Project Manager on Green Business and Sustainable Development, DKU.

Mr. Abylaikhan Soltanayev, Scientific Coordinator of the Master’s program “Strategic Management of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency”, DKU.

Winners of the regional stage of the student Olympiad:

We congratulate the following 1st place winners from each country at the regional stage of the Student Olympiad 2024 on SDGs:

  • Tamana Hassan Zada – Afghanistan
  • Balnur Baimagambet – Kazakhstan
  • Sherniyaz Kurmanbekov – Kyrgyz Republic
  • Namuunzul Altangerel – Mongolia
  • Mahnoza Kabirova – Tajikistan
  • Jora Jumakulov – Turkmenistan
  • Kamila Kurbanova – Uzbekistan

The winners will proceed to participate in upcoming events organized by the Kazakh-German University, furthering their contributions to sustainable development and lifestyle.

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to all participants and look forward to seeing the impactful changes their projects will bring to their universities and beyond.

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