
Center for Natural Resources and Sustainability

Kazakh-German University

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Fourth Regional Technical Webinar on the topic: «Climate risks in the agriculture sector». within the framework of the UNDP regional project «Climate Change and Resilience in Central Asia»


16 January 2024


10:00–12:30 (Tashkent), 11:00 – 13:30 (Bishkek)


online, Zoom platform


Zoya Kretova, regional coordinator of the Kazakh-German University for the UNDP project «Climate Change and Resilience in Central Asia»

Background of the project:

despite having significant experience and knowledge in the region regarding climate change, adaptation, mitigation, and security, there are still gaps in the analysis of climate change, impact assessment on economic sectors, hindering the ability to make scientifically informed decisions in the field of climate change adaptation.

Purpose of the meeting:

to enhance awareness and utilization of information on the state of the agricultural sector.

During the webinar, there will be a review of the activities of national and international development partners in the field of climate change adaptation and the reduction of climate risks in the agricultural sector. Additionally, an overview of national and regional knowledge platforms will be presented.

A panel discussion will facilitate the exploration of necessary measures to increase awareness of climate change issues and its impact on agriculture. The discussion will also cover opportunities to bridge the gap between science, education, and the integration of climate issues into agricultural policy.

Webinar participants:

Representatives of scientific and academic institutions, government agencies, non-governmental organizations, independent experts, young scientists and other interested persons.


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