21 February - 4 March2022
Central Asia has vast reserves of energy resources. However, countries in the region rely heavily on carbon-intensive energy sources with untapped renewable energy potential. Kazakhstan, for example, has embarked on an energy transition from coal to more sustainable and low-carbon options.
However, significant infrastructure, investment, planning, operations, policy and management are required to achieve these goals. The energy sector needs a variety of meteorological decision support services for both day-to-day operations and long-term strategic planning, as weather and climate variables affect energy supply and demand. Consideration and analysis of these variables is of particular importance for renewable energy sources. Thus, understanding the impact of weather and climate on energy systems is key to ensuring the efficient use of renewable, clean energy sources. Weather and climate services can be used to increase the efficiency, economic viability and public acceptance of energy system management in terms of supply and demand.
Lecture 1: Why weather and climate services are important for energy management.
Lecture 2: What is needed to provide weather and climate services.
Lecture 3: How to develop climate services
Lecture 4: Application of weather and climate services for the energy sector
Lecture 5: Application of weather and climate services for the energy sector with links to the water sector and agriculture/food (‘nexus’ - interconnection)
Lecture 6: Conclusion
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