
Center for Natural Resources and Sustainability

Kazakh-German University

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Capacity building programme for civil servants, technical experts, business representatives and public organisations of Kazakhstan in connection with the forthcoming changes in heat sector legislation


May 17th to June 15th 2022



Short information

In the period from May 17 to June 15, 2022, a cycle of 14 online webinars was held on the ZOOM platform as part of the “Capacity building programme for civil servants, technical experts, business representatives and public organisations of Kazakhstan in connection with the forthcoming changes in heat sector legislation”.

The capacity building program was initiated by the leading German engineering and consulting company VPC GmbH, which was engaged by the Asian Development Bank and the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan to support the development of thermal power legislation and has been working on advisory documents and draft laws since 2020. To implement the lecture and discussion part of the program, international and local experts from VPC GmbH and its educational division Dornier Academy were involved. Organizational and technical support of the program was provided by the Kazakh-German University.

The course contains 14 online lectures, which are structured into 4 modules:

- Module 1: Technologies in thermal power engineering

- Module 2: Planning of heating systems

- Module 3: Economics and tariffs for heat supply services

List of lectures:

Lecture 1: Introductory lesson

Formation of policy in the thermal power sector, organization, regulation and monitoring of the thermal power sector and its role for sustainable development

Lecture 2: Heat production (traditional and alternative technologies for district and individual heating, operation, automation and control, benefits of renewable heat)

Lecture 3: Heat distribution (temperature management, system design, loss reduction, repair and maintenance modes)

Lecture 4: Organization and administration of heat consumption

Lecture 5: Methodology for planning a heat supply system

Lecture 6: Production system modeling and financial modeling of district heating, including the integration of renewable heating technologies and energy efficiency measures

Lecture 7: Energy efficiency planning and renewable heat integration in standalone centralized systems

Lecture 8: Energy efficiency planning and integration of renewable heat into individual heat supply

Lecture 9: Comprehensive planning of the municipal heating sector

Lecture 10: Principles, responsibilities and methods of price regulation in the heating industry

Lecture 11: Rules for regulating tariffs in the heating industry

Lecture 12: Support for vulnerable consumers

Lecture 13: PPP in heating industry

Lecture 14: The role of women in achieving sustainable development of the heating sector

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