
Center for Natural Resources and Sustainability

Kazakh-German University

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Field Trips


The MA IWRM is exceptional in its highly interdisciplinary approach: it equips students with technical knowledge and provides them with "scientific literacy" in various aspects of water management. Project work (Field Research) is one of the required disciplines in which students can make their field research results useful. This practical work supported by the Green Central Asia scholarship program will help to form the future specialists in water resources management in Central Asia, understand the various methods and approaches to conducting research and further analyze the information received.


In the period from May 24 to June 2, 2023, first-year master students in IWRM conducted a field study on the Kaskelen River. The field practice was focused on the analysis of water quality in the rivers of the Almaty region, as well as on the analysis of the water management system on the example of the Kaskelen River. The study was conducted from the upstream (runoff formation zone) to the downstream part of the river (Kapshagay reservoir).

Various methods for water quality analysis, biological, chemical and physical measurements were used to collect information.

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