
Центр природных ресурсов и устойчивого развития

Казахстанско-Немецкий Университет

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18 июля пройдет первый вебинар из серии технических мероприятий для развития национальных и региональных платформ

On July 18, the first webinar in a series of technical events for the development of national and regional platforms for the exchange of information and knowledge on climate risks and resilience in the countries of Central Asia will be held: Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan within the framework of the project: UNDP / EU "Climate Change and Resilience in Central Asia".

The purpose of this project is to create and establish interaction for the exchange of information and knowledge in the Central Asian region, containing comprehensive data on climate, its change and consequences.

The webinar will include:

‣ Thematic sessions

  1. Overview of the activities of the national hydrometeorological services of 3 countries in the field of forecasting, as well as climate services;
  2. Overview of national, regional and international platforms and climate databases that can assist researchers in conducting research and scientific work.

‣ Panel discussion

How to raise awareness of climate change and its impact outside the economy, and how to bridge the gap between science, education and climate policy.

We invite interested participants working or studying in the direction of climate change, as well as those who are interested in conducting research on the impact of climate change on economic sectors and human life.

Conference language: Russian

Format: online (Zoom)

Registration via the link:

Partners: United Nations Development Program

July 16, 2023

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