
Center for Natural Resources and Sustainability

Kazakh-German University

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Second Regional Technical Webinar on the topic: «Emergencies related to climate change in Central Asia» within the framework of the UNDP regional project «Climate Change and Resilience in Central Asia»


August 15, 2023


10:00–12:30 (Tashkent), 11:00–13:30 (Bishkek)


online, Zoom platform


Zoya Kretova, regional coordinator of the Kazakh-German University for the UNDP project «Climate Change and Resilience in Central Asia»

Purpose of the meeting:

increasing awareness and use of disaster risk information and early warning systems

The webinar will provide an overview of the activities of government bodies in charge of emergency situations, in the field of risk monitoring and forecasting, early warning systems, as well as interaction with the scientific sector and international development partners. An overview of international best practices in disaster risk reduction will also be provided for recommendations for inclusion in national programs in the short and long term.

The panel discussion will include a discussion of the necessary measures to ensure the sustainability of the results of early warning system projects, as well as priority tasks in the field of disaster risk reduction.

Webinar participants:

representatives of scientific and academic institutions, government agencies, non-governmental organizations, independent experts, young scientists and other interested parties

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