About us
Senior Fellows
Mission and Objectives
UNESCO chair
Partner organizations
Сentral Asian Journal of Water Research
Central Asian Journal of Sustainability and Climate Research (CAJSCR)
Policy briefs
Field Trips
Master program IWRM
Master program SMREEE
Master program SBM
“Green Finance” Master's program
Publications and books
Business incubation
International Green Business School "Eco-Talk"
Kazakhstan ClimAccelerator
Knowledge Space
NEXUS Assessment in the context of Central Asia.
Kazakhstan Climate Accelerator
About us
Senior Fellows
Mission and Objectives
UNESCO chair
Partner organizations
Сentral Asian Journal of Water Research
Central Asian Journal of Sustainability and Climate Research (CAJSCR)
Policy briefs
Field Trips
Master program IWRM
Master program SMREEE
Master program SBM
“Green Finance” Master's program
Publications and books
Business incubation
International Green Business School "Eco-Talk"
Kazakhstan ClimAccelerator
Knowledge Space
NEXUS Assessment in the context of Central Asia.
Kazakhstan Climate Accelerator
Center for Natural Resources and Sustainability
Kazakh-German University
All News
Renewable Energy
Climate Change
Water resource
Video Contest on Green Nudges at Universities in Central Asia and South Caucasus
Launch of E-Learning Course on Renewable Energy, Energy Transition and Energy Efficiency in Central Asia.
Final Regional Technical Webinar on: "Climate Change Impacts: Applying the NEXUS approach to sustainable development and risk assessment" within the framework of the UNDP regional project «Climate Change and Resilience in Central Asia»
5th Regional Technical Webinar on the topic: «Energy and climate risks».
Министерство энергетики и водных ресурсов Республики Таджикистан при поддержке Проекта комплексного развития сельских районов/TRIGGER организует серию тренингов в партнерстве с Казахстанско-Немецким Университетом (КНУ), проводимые с февраля по апрель 2024
Fourth Regional Technical Webinar on the topic: «Climate risks in the agriculture sector».
"Казахстанско-Немецкий Университет объявляет о запуске солнечной электростанции мощностью 13 кВт на крыше нашего главного корпуса!
3-ий региональный технический вебинар на тему: «Водные ресурсы и изменение климата» в рамках регионального проекта ПРООН «Изменение климата и устойчивость в ЦентральнойАзии»
DKU запускает первый комплексный курс по ESG в Казахстане!
August 21-27, 2023, marked a significant time for participants from four Central Asian countries (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan) gathered within the framework of the Renewable Energy Trip 2023 expedition.
September 4th marked the dawn of a new era in Almaty's smart city development! On this date, the Smart City Accelerator was launched — a program that not only "accelerates" startups but also reshapes the city's future.
🔔 15 августа пройдет второй технический вебинар по повышению осведомленности о рисках стихийных бедствий и использовании систем раннего оповещения в странах Центральной Азии
Exciting Scholarship Announcement!
18 июля пройдет первый вебинар из серии технических мероприятий для развития национальных и региональных платформ
Are you passionate about actively contributing to the development of renewable energy in your region?
Do you hold a strong emotional connection to environmental conservation and sustainable resource management?
On 17-21 April, DKU hosted a 5-Day Training course on renewable energy for young Central Asian women
We invite young researchers to take part in a Scientific session within the frames of the 5th Central Asia Climate Change Conference (CACCC-2023) in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, May 16-17, 2023
The sustainability initiatives of Central Asian universities – Cargo Bike by LogCentre DKU
From February 27 to March 3, a 5-day training on the "Clean Energy Transition course" training took place at the Kazakh-German University (DKU).
For questions about cooperation, please contact us at:
+7 727 355 05 51 (вн. 337)
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